WP Travel Engine 3.0.0 introduced a revamped booking process with the step-by-step booking process and intuitive progress indicative Checkout Page.
While version 3.0.0 is fully compatible with all the existing/new addons, it also provides backward compatibility with older versions. Yes, we got your back covered in case you like the old flow better or are not ready to switch to the new sales-oriented booking flow yet.
However, we strongly recommend you to update to the latest version of all your plugins and addons to ensure the maximum security, extensibility, and productivity of your website.
How to revert back to the old booking flow and checkout page?
To revert back to the older booking process and checkout flow, you can define the constant ‘’WTE_USE_OLD_BOOKING_PROCESS’ to true in your wp-config.php file.
For your ease, you can just copy and paste the below line in your wp-config.php file.
Additionally, please note that the support for backward compatibility will be only for the next 3 major versions before being deprecated.
As always, if you have queries regarding the WP Travel Engine 3.0 – Backward Compatibility, just send us an email at support@wptravelengine.com or raise a ticket at https://wptravelengine.com/support-ticket/.